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Thanks to the just-passed Trump Tax Bill (and associated language therein unrelated to taxes), the federal government’s Department of the Interior is poised to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge‘s so called 1002 (“ten-oh-two”) lands to new oil and gas exploration.  

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Oil Seeps 101

We have been getting lots of inquires about this crazy tarballing going on across Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties.  I thought I would give a quick overview of tar balls in our part of the world; the Southern California Bight. Oil Seeps In Our History Oil has been deep underground for millions of… Read more »

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PIRatE Lab Tour

Here is a quick tour of our PIRatE Lab’s lab.  We have been getting several requests about our lab and decided to give you a sense of our set-up.     We’ve also had lots of questions about oil; what it looks like, what it smells like, and how sticky it is.  We have posted our… Read more »