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Louisiana oil and gas industry is already investing: A letter to the editor

Source: Oil and gas industry is already investing in coastal restoration: A letter to the editor | NOLA.com   Mr. Marc Ehrhardt, executive director of the Grow Louisiana Coalition just penned this op-ed in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, one of many such op-eds marking the multifaceted state of recovery of the Louisiana Gulf region on… Read more »

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Oiling is Localized to Summerland

After several hours of detailed field assessments across Summerland beaches and associated explorations of neighboring beaches bracketing the Summerland area yesterday, we now have a much clearer and complete picture of the current beach oiling event occurring in Summerland at the moment.  Below I summarize the state of affairs as of Sunday, August 23, 2015.  … Read more »

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Accidents beget more accidents…especially in Deepwater

Here is an interesting poster from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (one of the daughter regulatory arms of the Interior Department birthed from the now dead Minerals Management Service in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon blowout). BSEE analysts have used inspection and accident incident reports from 2011 through 2014 to show that… Read more »